The last post brings very bittersweet emotions. Nearly every summer for my entire life my family would drive up to the Sawtooth Mountains and spend at least a week at some cabins owned by family for nearly 40 years. Our family had a lot of our happiest times together while staying there as did my mom when she was growing up. This year it was decided that they would be sold. Honestly, it was like a death in the family. It was horrible, but life goes on. I took the attitude that just because the cabins were sold isn't going to stop me from taking my famiy up there to enjoy nature the way that I did. Every time we drive by, it will be hard to not get upset, but it isn't going to stop me from doing it!! The picture above is from one of the three cabins and the mountain is named Abes Chair. My sisters and I hiked to the very tippy top about 5 years ago. We are doing it again this year!!!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 11:43 PM 0 comments
This past summer was one of the best we have had. We started a work tradition by taking a few of our friends from work to our favorite place in the world. We went up to the Sawtooth Mountains and camped out at Hell Roaring creek in a great spot right where the creek runs into the Salmon River. I found this spot about five years ago while camping with friends. It was so much fun, our friends hadn't been camping in years and years and had never seen the Sawtooths and June is the best time to go with snow still up on the mountains and the meadows all green and the creeks are running full with snow run off. Funny moment was when we realized about half of us had forgotten chairs so we ran into town and had to buy the only 4 chairs in the whole town of Stanley, I won't even tell you how much they cost. Everyone was laid back and just enjoyed themselves.
They enjoyed themselves so much that everyone else from work wanted to go in August. So Matt and I took up everyone else. It was crazy with so many people, many different likes and dislikes, but we look forward to doing it again next year!!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 11:30 PM 0 comments
In May I had the priviledge of helping my friend Cheryl design costumes for Boise Music Weeks production of Beauty and the Beast. It was a huge challenge with 75 or better costumes, I lost count. We had all the main characters in addition to a wardrobe, a tea pot, wolves, napkins, feather dusters, candleabras, tea cups and several townsfolk. But ya know what? We did it and are very proud of it. It may be a LONG while before either of us design another music week but it was a good experience. I cant find my pictures from that but when I do I will post them.
Matt was busy designing too. He designed lights Barber of Seville and La Boheme for Opera Idaho. Working for the Opera is always an adventure, sometimes good, sometimes bad but he pulled through and is working on the next show.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 9:09 PM 0 comments
On April Fools Day, our very good friend Dan Allers got married to Jana Kemp. Both Matt and I have known Dan for several years, me since high school and Dan was best man at our wedding. We couldn't be happier that Dan was marrying such a wonderful person. Jana is a great addition to our "family" so to speak. In addition to getting married Dan also got sole custody of his beautiful daughter Kandyce. We love them all and are so greatful for their happiness.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 8:58 PM 0 comments
It has not been a very healthy year for our family. My grandmother and mother have both had hospital stays, my sister in law was diagnosed with breast cancer, and Matt was miserable!
I came back from Chicago to a very sick husband. So sick in fact that we didn't go to work during a show! And he NEVER does that. We thought it was a bad case of the flu but then his lower legs started swelling to almost double their normal size. Bad pregnancy jokes aside, we decided to take him to the doctor. After medications and several different blood tests, a kidney biopsy and a many blessings, Matt was diagnosed with a rare form of nephritis. Long story short his kidneys weren't absorbing protien and letting it pass through into the urine, causing the swelling in his legs among other things. It isn't neccesarily curable but very controlable. We were very blessed to have such wonderful doctors readily available to us here in Boise. He was put on a very strict medication routine which included a steroid, antibiotics, vitamins, ace inhibitors and several more, a few of which affect him so that getting pregnant during this time would be a very bad idea, thus postponing our family. If you notice Matt looking different in many of the pictures it is mostly in part of the side effects of the steroid, causing him to gain quite a bit of weight in a short time. Poor guy had a rough year, but thanks to many many prayers, as of end of november Matts bloodwork was amazing and he is in "remission" and most of his meds have been severly cut back or are gone completly. Hopefully, fingers crossed, by march he will be 100 percent done with medication and will only have to have random blood tests to ensure it is staying in remission.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Year in Review
It has been quite a year for Matt and I so we decided to look back and find ten memorable moments and share them all with you.
MOMENT #10Aside form BSU's win at the Fiesta Bowl (just had to throw that one in since I am not mentioning this season or the Hawaii Bowl) my trip to Chicago in March was awesome. My friend Cheryl and I went to a costume/halloween trade show that was amazing! We got so many good ideas for the show we were building, and saw so many neat, and scary things!
Also, it was my first time traveling any further than Colorado! We went downtown one afternoon and went sight seeing in the snow and walked all the way down to Navy Pier. It was so cold but so worth it! I would never want to live there but I would for sure go back to downtown Chicago and see more.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 7:13 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I am so sad its over!!
Christmas was beautiful as usual. Christmas eve we got together at my parents house with my grandparents, sisters, and our friends Katie and Mark Anthony and had a smorgasbord of party food, things like little smokies, cheese fondue, meat and cheese, etc.... Afterwards we read the story in Luke then watched the Chronicles of Narnia... it was the only thing everyone would agree on. :) I had everyone open the gifts from us that night. I made both my sisters quilts and my parents and grandparents both got wall hangings I made from family pictures. I only have a picture of the one I made for my inlaws but it is similar to the ones I made for mom and gram. I will say that I was extremely proud of myself because the one in the picture is DANG cute, I was almost sad to give it away!! Across the top reads "All Hearts Come Home for Christmas." Very fitting for Matts parents that live in Denver.
As mush as I had hoped for a white christmas, it didn't happen. We had snow on the 24th and the 26th..... figures. It was a sunny 40 degree day!Christmas day was so great! Matt and I were able, for the first time, to wake up in our own bed and sit in front of our own tree while opening gifts, and then stay at home and prepare Christmas dinner. We made Ham, Roast beef, sweet potatoes, twice paked potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, salad and rolls. YUM! Oh, and we had orange rolls for breakfast, family tradition!! We have the best dough recipe for rolls, cinnamon and orange rolls etc...
We did pretty well for ourselves this year, we spoil each other... we got a Tom Tom GPS, a Singer Serger (yay) a new set of non stick pots and pans, an ipod docking station, a few games, movies and calendars.... we have been so blessed.
This month went by way too fast! I am so greatful that we were able to slow down a bit this last week and just enjoy family time and the spirit of the holidays. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and heres to a happy and healthy new year!!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Love Story Tag
I was hanging out with one of my old roomates Andy who I had known since high school. We were driving around and decided to stop by the Idaho Shakespeare Festival which is where andy worked for a summer. We ran into his old boss there, the very cute Matthew Curtis. The rest is history.
After introduction we didn't really talk much until we got together after work one night.
June 13th 2005. The only reason I have the actual day is because Matt wrote it down :)
June 13th 2005. I guess I am easy so to speak :)
We got engaged on November 10th 2005 and were married March 17th 2006, we were originally going to be married on June 10th but got ansy and kind of eloped :)
In my home wards building
We went all over, started in Yellowstone, Wyomimg, Denver, Moab, Arizona, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Zions National Park, and Salt Lake.
So, now it's your turn to tell me (and everyone else) your little love story. Come on...just do it. If you read this you are tagged!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
I'm dreaming of a white christmas!
I don't remember the last time we had a true white christmas in Boise but we are holding out hope!!! It started snowing earlier this evening and we're crossing our fingers that it continues to snow! That said, we had our annual white elephant christmas party on thursday. Always lots of fun! It is the one party our co-workers and friends look forward to all year and we start getting asked in October for the date... Theres nothing like good food, good friends and funny presents! I will post pictures later.
Matt and I have been baking up a storm! Lots and lots of cookies and fudge and caramels and rolls of all sorts.... Christmas eve will be held at my parents and we are having Christmas day dinner at our house. I have been super busy finishing presents for my family that I committed myself to making. Didn't realize I would be as busy as I was in december when I made that decision, but everything is turning out really really well. I will post pictures after Christmas, wouldn't want to ruin any surprises for those that are receiving these particular gifts.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Merry Christmas!
For all of those we don't get to see or spend time with this holiday season, Merry Christmas!!! We hope you enjoy yourself and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. We Love You All!!!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 12:11 PM 0 comments
The Nutcracker
I have been meaning to write for a few days now, but just barely found the time. We survived The Nutcracker! I was on wardrobe for the duration, dressing all of the little kids in their cute little costumes. I took a few pictured on my phone so if they aren't very clear, I apologize.One of the reasons I am not sure I ever want my children in Ballet is because so many of these kids are from well off homes and are SO snooty. We had a group of kids about 10 and 11 years old that were down right RUDE to their chaperones and completly ignored any of the kids that weren't apart of their fancy academy. And some of the parents, well that is another story. Parent aren't allowed part the check in gate we have and we have designated chaperones for each group of kids. Everything is very organized backstage... well one year when a parent wasn't allowed to accompany their chilod to the dressing room, he went off and called the cops and tried to charge us with kidnapping.... hahaha!!
So also this week, on monday, Danielle was released from juvenile detention. So far so good. She wanted to go back to high school but the first day she had a breakdown... so we talked her into getting her GED. Then her PO told her she had no other option. :) I hope this time she has learned enough to be able to find herself again. She gets a brand new start and I only can pray that she makes the best of it.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Something very close to my heart!
Hey everyone, I know I have talked about my beautiful sister in law Sally who is fighting breast cancer at the moment. Her Husband, My Brother(matts brother) in law is raising money by participating in a 3 day walk for the cure. Seeing as how I can't participate, I am doing what I can by asking all of you to visit his website and either pledge for every mile walked or a small donation. ANYTHING helps. The proceeds benefit the Susan Komen Race for the cure. Its Christmas..... if you can help, please consider it. Thank you ahead of time.
Here is the link to his website.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 12:44 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I was severly misinformed. We have 175 children... not the afformentioned 75. SEVERLY MISINFORMED..... just thought I would share. Oh, and we had an angel pee onstage last night and a flower girl threaten to commit suicide. Yay, I love my job.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
'Tis the Season
This is simply because i wish I was there rather than here right now! My favorite place in the winter is the Salt Lake/Utah Valley. To all of you that live there, I am jealous!!!
As tired as I am, I need to stay awake and what a better way than to blog! What a week. My grandma came home from the hospital and has done well. She is too stubborn to go down without a fight. The day after she was released she and my mother took her to the beauty shop to get her hair done and run a few other errands. Crazy lady!!So we have been pretty much back to back shows this week. We had Romina Arena on Saturday night. She is AMAZING! We bacame pretty good friends during her stay in Boise. It is so refreshing to have talent that is not full of themselves. This was another show that we got to design. It was so much fun decorating and playing with Treco and lights. It tuned out very nicely. Here are a few pictures.
We also had Barbera Morgan come and speak. If you aren't aware, she is a school teacher from Idaho who actually just returned from a trip up in space after about 7 years of training for it non stop. She had pictures and video that were so neat! Most of which successfully put me into perspective... we are so small in comparison to the universe!!!
Today we are working on Boises Concert for a Cause. Curtis Stigers (local artist) heads it up and it features about 120 different performers, a live and silent auction and all of the proceeds to to a different cause every year. It is really neat to be a part of something like this, especially this time of the year. Starting tomorroe we have the Ballet Idahos performance of The Nutcracker or as the backstage crew lovingly calls it, the Nut"buster". Its crazy insane. We have about 100 performers 75 of them children- backstage and we usually average about 20-30 hours of over time in about 4 or 5 days. AHHH... if we don't write soon, you will know we didn't survive!
It finally snowed a bit! It didn't last long... it never does but it was nice to curl up on the couch with a fire in the fireplace and watch movies.We also installed an over the range microwave. Its awesome! Just removing a microwave from the counter created SOOO much space! I love it! Here is a pic of Matt being silly while playing handy man. At any rate, I hope everyone is well and enjoying the holidays and remembering why we call it Christmas!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 2:15 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 3, 2007
An Update
So an update on my grandma.... after 7 pints of blood they finally did the scope and found a bleeding ulcer near the top of her small intestine. Prayers answered, it had stopped bleeding by the time they got to it. After starting a treatment plan she is doing so much better. They will hopefully send her home sometime today. YAY!!! Okay, I have a new tv addiction, okay well it started last season but I am addicted to Praject Runway. It is so much fun! I have never really been a tv person... I love movies... but I do try and watch all of the CSI las Vegas and Project Runway. I think I like it because in a sense, I work with people like them all the time. I work with costume designers all the time. Its fun!!! I love to watch all of the ideas become reality. It goes from a sketch on a piece of paper to an actual outfit on a runway. Everyones ideas are so different and I love it!!!
I ordered a few books last week and was super excited to get them but I am mad at myself because I read them way too fast! Now I have to wait for the next book I ordered to come. I just read Twilight, a book that my friend Emily really enjoyed. It was SO good. Definetly lived up to all the hype. Another series I am reading is the Barrington Family Saga. If any of you enjoy reading LDS historical fiction I recommend anything written by Anita Stansfield. She has several different series, her newest being the Barrington Family Saga. Its about a family who comes from England to Iowa and joins the church, but because of mobs and hatred of the mormons, they worship privatly. They have friends that move to Nauvoo and they watch from afar as the saints are driven from Nauvoo to Winter Quarters, then make the trip to the Salt Lake Valley. It is a very very good series, I always am anxiously waiting for the next book to come out!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 2:33 PM 4 comments
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Just feeling BLEH
What a day it has been already and it isn;t even half over!! We got off of work around 1:30, and literally went home and brushed teeth and went to bed. During shows our phones are either off or on vibrate so when we get home really late and have to be back early the last thing I think to do is turn it back to audible... well this morning I woke up to nearly 10 missed calls from my grandparents house. I finally get a hold of my mom to find out what is going on only to hear that my grandma is in the emergency room. I have never felt so guilty in my life. When my grandparents needed me I wasn't there. So long story short my grandmother woke in the middle of the night feeling nautious(sp) went to the bathroom and passed out. An ambulance was called and she was admitted to ICU earlier today. I am literally stuck at work feeling completly helpless. We went to see her during our lunch break and she looked better than I expected. Thank goodness for modern meds and technology. Right now, due to her excessive blood loss they have her hooked up to extra blood and fluids. Once they have her back up to normal blood levels they will then put a scope down and figure out exactly where she is bleeding. Hopefully it is small enough that they can cotterize the burst vein.... but right now who knows. Please include her in all of your prayers.... and those of you outside of Boise, if you could, please add her name into your local temple prayer list. Her name is Louise Whiting. I will update later.....
Loves to all!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 4:27 PM 2 comments