Thursday nights, if we aren't working, go like this...
1. Come home.
2. Pick up the house a bit.
3. Make something fabulous for dinner.
4. If time allows, make something as equally fab for dessert.
5. Have friends over to enjoy the fabulously made food with us.
6. Watch CSI: Las Vegas.
7. Do dishes.
8. Go to bed.
This evening however, our roomates have scattered to various places away from home, and our friends who join us weekly weren't able to come, so we had the house
At first we weren't sure what to do... this never happens... so we made dinner, ate leftover halloween candy for dessert, didn't do the dishes, played a little rock band, and are going to watch CSI: Las Vegas....
(in bed)
And there has been and will be lots and lots of
While SHE snuggles in (what used to be) our clean laundry.

I LOVE this post. Sounds like heaven! :) P.S. Can we be added to your friends list for those fabulous dinners??
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