Here are some pictures from a couple recent shows.
As always they are courtesy of Dave Jensen.
First up was the Chinese Acrobats. They are insane... enough said.
As always they are courtesy of Dave Jensen.
First up was the Chinese Acrobats. They are insane... enough said.

He has NEVER fallen though.
*Knock on wood*

This is a sequence picture. This guy runs and jumps through the first set of rings, bounces of the bench and hurls himself through the second set. He went through ring number two. After this trick they add a third ring on top of the second making the jumping height 72 inches.
Did I mention they are a bit crazy?
They, much like Chinese Gymnasts, start training at 5 or 6. The contortionists are usually done with their performing career by 23 or 24.
Here is a tid bit to add a bit of fuel to the fire about the whole crazy thing... they met Tom Cruise last year and said he was the most normal (WHAT!!!) down to earth guy.
HA... I knew they were crazy.
These next two are from the Opera I previously blogged about.

Lucia post break down. She just murdered her new husband and thinks her brother is her lover... the one she was distraught about leaving to marry Inego Montoya... okay not really... but his costume totally made him look like it.
Next on the agenda
Greg Mortenson... Google him or read his book, Three Cups of Tea: One mans mission to promote peace on school at a time
Michael McLean's The Forgotten Carols
WAY excited about it!!
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