Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Crazy Week!!

This week we have 2 different gigs going on and its proving a challenge to keep up. We are doing the production of La Boheme at the Morrison Center this week. Matt is designing lights, I have been his programmer and I am also doing costumes. Working for the Opera is always an adventure, whether for the good or the bad, we never can decide, its kind of sad. At least it is in our venue, our home so to speak.They are very dissorganized. Their stage manager wasn't able to find a scenic person or a props master so she has done it all herself, poor woman.... (once was a man I am pretty sure)

We are also working on Brilliant Tracecs, a production at Boise Contemporary Theatre. We are only doing the lights but it is finding the time to do them, and do them well. We need to have them hung, circuited and focused by Monday, but our one day off we can't go in because of scenic dept, and the Opera has us all day saturday. It will be interesting. Wish us luck!!!


Tasha Coltrin said...

Oh my gosh!! How on earth did you find my blog? I'm so glad you did. You look so good. I'm so glad that you made a comment. I hope all is well with you. Now I can see how things are going with you and what you are up too. Oh it was so good to look at your blog. Take care!!

Tasha Coltrin said...

I'm doing really good by the way. How are you doing?