I was "tagged" by my friend Emily, here's what it means!!
A. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
B. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog, for these rules.
1. I love musical theater. If I could listen to nothing but show tunes, I would!
2. I can sew. Little known fact that I usually like to keep quiet. I actually helped design and sew nost of the costumes for Beauty and the Beast when it was here.
3. If I could live in the mountais I would. I love being isolated up in the middle of no where surrounded by nothing but trees, mountains, rivers etc.... I love to go fishing and hiking and getting dirty!!!!!
4. I love to read. I am really bad about reading to fast though. Drives me crazy but I do it anyway. I will get a brand new book and have it read within the day. Then I have nothing to look forward to.
5. I HATE surprises. HATE HATE HATE!!!
6. I love to dye my hair. If I could be like Tonks in Harry Potter, I would LOVE IT!!!!
I am tagging Tasha and Talia
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 1:56 PM 1 comments
There is no I in team
Okay, so its been a bit, and I apologize. We had Niel Young in last week. Let me tell you, it was an adventure. Have you ever had too many chefs in the kitchen? Imagine having about 30 of those on a crew and tring to get something done. We had a full day of set up, then the next day was another day of setting up (don't know why... I sat on my butt for hours on end...) sound check and then the actual performance. I have NEVER worked on a more disorganized show. By showtime we still had absolutly NO idea what the heck any of us local crew were doing. Their stage manager (we lovingly reffered to him as Mr. Chemical peel face), who is supposed to call cues over head set never called a cue. When it was over one of their guys made the comment that it was going to take 6 and a half hours to load out.... mind you, we started at 11pm... and then were SHOCKED when we had them off of the deck and out of the building in less than 3 hours. Go team!! If they learned nothing else from Boise... it is that working as a team, meaning with each other, not against each other, gets things done easier and faster... what a consept!!After all was said and done, they dripped paint all over our stained wood deck, ruined 2 of our quick change booth curtains and splattered paint on our grand drape. Not so happy but hey, I got 40 hours in 2 and a half days. On a good note, we got to work with a Tony award winning lighting designer. She was great!
As for the weekend, we spent it sleeping, watching movies, making halloween sugar cookies and doing some retail thereapy. We bought a down filled mattress pad and a down comforter and I FINALLY got a new sewing machine!!! YAY!!!!! Yesterday we went to a work Halloween party. Completly spaced it until a few hours before so we ran to my friends costume shop and pulled stuff together. I don't think we did half bad!
I should probably get beck to work... I am sitting at the stage managers desk during a high school choir rehearsal.... thing. Ahh... brings back a lot of not so fond memories. Loves to all!!!!!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Another rewarding week
Wow, what a week. I survived stage managing Wynonna Judd. Very good show, man that woman puts glitter in her hair!! It was all over the stage!! She had a great crew. Very nice entertaining group of guys. After Wynonna we had the comedians from the Bob and Tom show. Those type of thows I generally read a book during performances. Most of their sets are done in very poor taste, that is my opinion anyway. Next up, Niel Young. Don't really know who they guy is but he sold out in about an hour, and he has insane security. We have to put a fence up around the entire building, 24 hour on call K9 unit yadayadayada.... does he realize he is in Boise????? Whatev....
The Boise Contemporary Theatre show we have been working on finally opened. Matt and I went to the preview performance on Friday. I was very impressed! It is called Brilliant Traces, a 2 man show. I wasn't ever fond of one of them previously but I was blown away. There are a few distracting light cues; some of which normal patrons will probably never notice; and the 2 snow machines we bought weren't utilized as much as I would have liked but the set was gorgeous. The designer out did himself this time. YAY!! Another good show under our belt. Its awesome to be able to see a show from the very beginnings all the way through to Opening night. I love my job!
I do have to say, the one thing I love about fall is the changing colors of the trees. Its so beautiful in Boise right now. Our poor sad little tree that we planted this year is turning red! I can't wait for it to get big. Every day we drive down Federal wy and down Capital Blvd and get to enjoy the view of nearly the entire valley. My workplace is right up against the river so I am able to walk by that everyday. I guess its another one of those little blessings you don't take advantage of or thank God for nearly enough.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 6:15 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
I have been blessed
Let me tell you, I have never been so excited for conference sunday. After the busy week we had I was very ready to sit in my pajamas and listen to the words of the prophet and be spiritually fed. I do have to say that Henry B. Eyring is my fav!! The Opera ended on a very good note, it was beautiful and got great reviews. I LOVED the ladies I dressed. It is rare when I actually really enjoy dressing principals, let alone Opera principals. I had so much fun and got flowers from one of my ladies. I promise, I will add pictures soon! Next shows, Wynonna Judd, Bob and Tom Comedians, and the opening of Niel Youngs tour. Everyday is a new adventure!!
With that said, I feel incredibly blessed right now. I am proud to be a member of the Church, and have the priesthood in my home and to know that my husband and I can be together forever. Life for my family has not been much of a joyride these past couple years. My husband ran into some pretty severe health problems that has inevitably delayed our starting a family because of medication. Through many prayers and priesthood blessings he is almost 100% normal and *fingers crossed* will be off all of the medication in the next month. Yay!!! This experience has tried our faith and made it all that much stronger. One of my sisters is going through a rough patch at the moment too, many of her decisions have been made in very poor taste and inevitably has affected the entire family. She has been in and out of juvenile detention. I don't think I have ever been so upset as I was when I knew that her being in there is a better thing for both her and my parents. It is incredibly hard to justify not going and saving her. She can't be saved unless she wants to save herself, and I can't make her decisions for her. All we can do is pray she realizes we love her, because right now she doesn't, and it is hard. That is the worst part for everybody... to not feel like we have abandonded all hope in her. All of it has taken a huge toll on my mom.... watching my best suffer breaks my heart, and all I can do is be there for her, and hide the fact that I am just as torn up inside, I have to be strong for her. Its times like these that I am glad I have the knowledge and the faith I do. I am glad to know I can put things into the Lords hands. As long as we are faithful and continue to but our trust in Him, we are going to be okay.
I have been very blessed in the sense that I have an incredible support system. I have without a doubt, the most wonderful family in the world. In addition to my family I have loving and understanding friends who have been there for us through thick and thin. To any of you reading this, I love each and everyone of you very much and I am very thinkful you are in my life!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 8:43 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 5, 2007
Keeping the Creative Juices Flowing
During a normal season at the Morrison Center we occasionally get to do our own basic light design for smaller budget shows. This year however, we have had the opportunity to do some really fun, very creative designs. The first is what we call Behind the Curtain Experience. It is the exact opposite of a regular performance. We set tables and chairs up on the stage facing the auditorium. We set up a stage on the orchestra pit facing the backstage. In depth tours are given and every show has a different up and coming artist or group. Its really fun. If I have left you a little confused, the first to pictures on this blog will give you a little better idea. We really play up the lights on tables, the auditorium, and various items backstage.
The first group we had was a husband and wife duo called Montana Skies, hence the clouds projected behind them.The instrument she is holding is an electric cello with 2 extra strings which allows her to go down into the bass range and up into the violin range. AWESOME!!! Her husband was an amazing guitarist. The literally played everything from Vivaldi to Pink Floyd to the Beatles. If you get a chance, google them!!
The second show we did was a poetry reading in behalf of the 700th birthday of some philosopher/poet. It was incredibly boring, it reminded me in some strange way of the philosopher couple on Saturday night live played by Rachel Dratch and Will Ferrell. If you know what I am talking about, you will know how very strange it is!!!! At any rate, we really made the stage look beautiful. We hung all off the fabric and then lit it to match the back projection. SO MUCH FUN, and it looked beautiful!! Made the most of the boring poet anyway. :)
Right now we are in the middle of the Opera Idaho, its almost over!!!!!!! The lights look awesome, the set, which consists of Hanging drops looks horrible!!! They are from a company called Stephanello (sp) out of Italy, they are ancient, and they stink!! Really, they smell awful. The costumes and the talen are wonderful. I am so ready to be done. Next week, Wynonna Judd. Woo hoo!!!
Those 4 pictures are courtesy of Dave Jensen.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
My Husband
What is his name? Matthew Robert Curtis
How long have you been together? 2 and a half years
How old is he? 27 years young
Who eats more? Matt for sure
Who said I love you first? Matt did
Who is taller? Matt is
Who sings better? Ummm.... I do, but Matt tries really hard!!
Who is smarter? Matt and I are equally smart in very different ways, his strengths are my weaknesses and vice versa
Whose temper is worse? Depends on the day.... hahahaha! We rarely get mad at each other, our tempers usually come out while venting to each other about work etc.... :)
Who does the laundry? I wash it, he puts it away, I loathe folding and putting away.
Who does the dishes? We take turns.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at it, I do.
Who pays the bills? Matt does, not because I won't, he just always has.
Who mows the lawn? haha, neither, we have a friends son do it.
Who cooks dinner? We take turns, it has been me lately, I get into domestic moods now and again like that... lol
Who drives when you are together? Usually Matt
Who is more stubborn? I am a Slade through and through. I am very stubborn
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Neither. We are both always right. Always... I like Jodies answer
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine, they live in the same city. Matts live in Denver, we only get to see them a few times a year.
Who kissed who first? Matt kissed me on our first date.
Who asked who out? I don't remember, we both wanted to get together, it was a mutual asking!
Who proposed? Matt did.... funny story, ask me sometime.
Who is more sensitive? That would be me.
Who has more friends?We have about the same amount. I keep in touch with more people from my past though.
Who has more siblings? I have 4 he has 3
Who wears the pants in the family? Matt does for the most part, I am really bad about making decisions. I am too laid back to decide some things!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 2:09 PM 1 comments
Crazy Week!!
This week we have 2 different gigs going on and its proving a challenge to keep up. We are doing the production of La Boheme at the Morrison Center this week. Matt is designing lights, I have been his programmer and I am also doing costumes. Working for the Opera is always an adventure, whether for the good or the bad, we never can decide, its kind of sad. At least it is in our venue, our home so to speak.They are very dissorganized. Their stage manager wasn't able to find a scenic person or a props master so she has done it all herself, poor woman.... (once was a man I am pretty sure)
We are also working on Brilliant Tracecs, a production at Boise Contemporary Theatre. We are only doing the lights but it is finding the time to do them, and do them well. We need to have them hung, circuited and focused by Monday, but our one day off we can't go in because of scenic dept, and the Opera has us all day saturday. It will be interesting. Wish us luck!!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 1:37 PM 2 comments