I have loved this poem from the moment I read it back in high school. It was written into a song that I sang in one of the many choirs I was in. I just found it again and wanted to put it somewhere I would be able to find it again so here you are.....
Inscription from Cellar Wall from WWII
This is an inscription on cellar walls from WW2 in the concentration camp Cologne in Germany.
I believe in the sun
even when it is not shining
And I believe in love,
even when there's no one there.
And I belive in God,
even when he is silent,
I believe through any trial,
there is always a way
But sometimes in this suff'ring
and hopeless despair
- My heart cries for shelter,
to know someone's there
But a voice rises within me, saying hold on
my child, I'll give you strength,
I'll give you hope. Just stay a little while
I believe in the sun
even when it is not shining
And I believe in love
even when there's no one there
But I believe in God
even when he is silent
I believe through any trial
there is always a way.
May there someday be sunshine
May there someday be happiness
May there someday be love
May there someday be peace....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Just Because...
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
So I just had to add this when I came across it. Rick and I were wandering around the village and stopped at the ice rink to watch while we were waiting on Matt who was meeting with the doofus... I mean "lighting designer"... and this guy was practicing his self choreographed number while listening the music on his computer........... strange strange little man. We did see Nancy Kerrigan though, that made it better.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Sun Valley Part Dos
Okay, I finally mustered the energy and desire to write about the rest of our Sun Valley adventure. The biggest problem with this job was the fact that we had too many spoons in the pot so to speak. We were there to install and focus a lighting package. The package consists of the lights, their various pieces and parts, the power sources, the socapex connections that plug into the power source so we can access the power, the cables that go from the socapex to the lights ( kind of like extension cables) and the light board that programs and runs everything. The problem lies with the fact that they didn't sole source everything, meaning they didn't get everything from ONE company. Instead, they received things from 4 different places. The lights and their parts as well as the labor to install came from one, the light board and part of the cable came from another, all of the socopex came from a third and the power source boxes came from the fourth. We physically delivered the lights and such, we found part of the cable in the basement in a random room.... and we never did find the socapex cables and crap from the third company,we had at least 20 people looking all over the place for the stuff, we left no stone unturned. Matt had replacement parts shipped to us then they miraculously turn up the day that companies rep shows up... hmmmm...... and then wants us to change out everything we put up that was originally supposed to be his and wasn't. Um... how do I say this politely... BITE ME. The fourth company never inventoried all their stuff so we had no idea if we had everything or not. The lighting designer finally shows up on Monday and it turns out he isn't really a lighting designer but an architect and doesn't like the placement of anything...... and doesn't know stage directions or how to focus lights.... Lovely!!! Like I said earlier, it was really a job we could have had completley finished in 2 days, but took 6.
Honestly, aside from the problems we had with the companies involved with the lighting install, everyone else was awesome. I did find one other girl on the job site. She was a fork lift driver. The production manager, the general contractors and sub contractors were awesome and made it a very pleasant experience. And hey, we walked away with way more money than we were supposed to because of all the delays... I can't really complain.
Okay, i do have one more beef.... The site was still a hard hat and long jeans required area. We had a donor family show up and just hang out onstage underneath the panels onstage that we were working on.... and they were there ALL DAY!!!! Little kids running around unsupervised and jumping on the equipment. Why did they think they had the right to be there, in our way, with no hard hats or proper attire, having a leisurely lunch onstage... Are they really above the law just because they donated to this project? I realize that they in some way shape or form were paying me but it is dangerous, especially for those kids who were playing on very heavy expensive and did I mention dangerous equipment? We even went so far as to ask the general contractor if we could ask them to leave because they we right where we needed to be.... but there was NOTHING to be done because they were donors..... so instead, we just moved them all over the stage at various times. I know we annoyed them but I was just returning the favor... :)
Here are some pictures of us on our last day before we drove home. From the back.
From the front entrance.
Hanging 25 feet above the ground on top of one of the ceiling panels.
Putting the canopy on.... it took them 3 days... :)
View into the house from the stage.
The front truss with the cheapest moving lights ever made.
The condo we had for the first 4 days before we got shipped to the cockroach hotel in Haliey. We had 2 bedrooms...3 beds... two full baths.... fully furnished, flat screens, movies, a hot tub that we fully took advantage of. Awesome!!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 9:29 PM 0 comments
I am addicted...
I was an ABBA fan before they made Mamma Mia the Musical... I loved the musical. I bought the soundtrack before I left for Sun Valley. I listen to it all the time now... at home, in the car, at work...... And I have officially seen the movie twice. I could watch it every day its seriously that good. I highly recommend it. If you are a fan of musicals... or a huge Colin Firth fan like me.... GO!!!!
******Just close your ears during Pierce Brosnans part of SOS*******
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
We will miss you Danny
Our dear friend Danny Peterson passed away this morning of a severe heart attack at the age of 55. Idaho, the Idaho Shakespeare Festival and the theater community has lost a dear, true friend.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sun Valley Part Uno
Here are a few pictures from our first night in Sun Valley and our first full day of work. The ceiling is made up of 5 different panels that move individually. Its all cherry wood with a copper roof. Its going to be gorgeous when it FINALLY gets done. (See previous post) From the audience point of view. You can see the seperate panels better now because they are staggered... they weren't put back right. The stage is cherry wood as well but is covered to protect it from the 100 or so guts working around the clock. And yes, I am the ONLY girl onsite.... lol
Looking out into the audience from the stage with one of the panels down
I am sure this sign was intended for dogs but it was funny either way.
Rick, CJ and I behind a sculpture outside a gallery.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 6:25 PM 0 comments
Camping Trip #2
The sunset on the White Cloud Mnts, our view from where our camp was
Piper was bound and determined to catch something... even if it means digging to China!!
Tony being a fish :)
Tony and Matt trying to catch dinner!!!
I finally just uploaded all the pictures from our camping trip last weekend so here you go. We went our friend Rick and his son Tony up to Decker Flats again and were able to stay for 3 days. So nice!! It was a bit windy and lots of mosquitos were out the first day, but the rest of the trip was perfect. I think its safe to say that it was a blast. It was a nice little break right before we dug into LOTS of work.... We started re rigging the fly rail system, changing out everything! For those that don't know the fly rail is the series of pipes over stage that we hang lights and drops onto, and make them fly up and down... the best example is the Grand, or the red curtain, goes up and down because of the fly rail. Hope that made any sense at all. At any rate, we left thursday for Sun Valley to install all of the lights above the stage. Long story short they are 60 days behind. Makes it really hard to do your job to the best of your abilities, and in the most efficient way. Oh, and before I forget, I was able to get together with Shelley and her son Kasen. He is getting so big! It was awesome to see you babe!!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 6:07 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Once again... singing the praises
Of Scrapblog!!! Its awesome.... enough said.
Here are a few pages I just did from our belated honeymoon. We really just drove around for 2 weeks. Couldn't have asked for better. I might.... probably will.... change a few things on a few pages but here they are for now. I will post pictures and things from our weekend later. I just realized how late it is!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
A little getaway....
After my little ranting post about how I needed to get out of town we decided to just do it. We left on the 5th at a little after 6am and went up to the Sawtooths... of course... where else would we go. :) Some people were in our usual spot so we just found one and went for it, after all it was only one night. We were lucky to even find a spot not on top of a bunch of other people on 4th of July weekend. We set up camp, relaxed, went fishing, took a nice drive way back in the hills, and came back to camp and just enjoyed being together with no cell phones, computers or other people around. It was exactly what I needed. I was getting into a stressed, frustrated and depressed funk, and needed to clear my head. It feels so good! I would have very much liked to stay longer but eh, it worked. The weird people in our spot. And they were SOO weird. They had a teenage son that walked around the campground with a revolver and a huge knife under his belt.... creepy!!
The next morning we slept in a bit and broke camp and drove towards home. Of course we took a little detour and ended up at Dagger Falls on the middle fork of the Salmon River. Gorgeous!!!!! On the way home we enjoyed watching rafters and kayakers raft down the Payette. It took us and hour and a half to get from Banks to Horseshoe Bend because of traffic.... crazy!!! On our way home we stopped by the cemetery and Granddad finally has his headstone... leave it to the government to take 3 months! I am so glad he finally has a permanent marker though. Because he is in the Veterans Cemetery all the markers are exactly the same. I wish we could have had something a bit nicer but this is what we got and its what he wanted. We came home a bit burnt with a few bug bites but I wouldn't trade them for another weekend at home!!Dagger Falls. They were built to aid the returning salmons journey upstream to spawn. Very cool and very pretty!
The Salmon River
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 8:13 PM 1 comments
The Host
So it took me a bit longer to get into it than usual but I am in the middle of Stephanie Meyers The Host. I am hooked..... I am sure it will be done in a day or two. If you are a Twilight fan I suggest reading it. Its very different but I really am enjoying it. Some of the books I have read lately have been so predictable, enjoyable, but predictable. Its very refreshing to read something that keeps my interest and literally gives me no idea what is going to happen next. YAY!!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 5:52 PM 2 comments
Knee high by the 4th of July
What a crazy weekend. We had a big bbq at our house and we were both bound and determined to just relax... and we did!! Here are some pictures from the 3rd and 4th. We had so many fireworks, some of them illegal (shhh don't tell), and we put on an awesome show between us and our several other neighboors whose fireworks collection very closely resembled ours. We were even able to see the city display in Ann Morrison Park from our yard. Most of it anyway. The saying for growing corn is that it should be knee high by the fourth of july. It sure is, and more! Its about waist high right now. Our tomatoes are starting to go nuts too! Our one plant that produces earlier than the rest probably has 15 tomatoes on it. We also have a few little jalapenos on our two little plants, our peas aregoing nuts and everything else it in bloom! YAY!!! Even our new trees are rockin, although some of the leaves on our Hathorne are starting to turn yellow. Anyone know what that means? At any rate, here are the pics.
Danielle and her new boyfriend Alex. We like this one :)
We bought a gazebo thing for the porch and we love, love, love it. Yes, notice the tent airing out in the background... we all know what that means!!! I will have to take a picture of the finished gazebo with the lights we put in it.
My Jackman, or Hugh as I refer to it, Clematis. Hahaha, hope you got the reference :)
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 5:18 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I just have to say....
That the longer I go without going camping...... the more stir crazy I am becoming. We are literally SOOO busy that the first decent trip isn't planned until August. That is the one that everyone from work is attending, and that one makes me crazy. I don't really care to camp with people who can't stand to get dirty, it makes me want to get dirtier just to be spiteful. :)
At any rate I think I am going to lose it if I don't get to escape at least for a night. My heart and soul need rejuvination and I desperatly need to clear my head!!! Yeah, thats right, I am getting CRABBY!!! :)
They are calling my name.... I promise. I can hear them right now! Especially all the little, no make that BIG fishies waiting for me to catch them.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 4:12 PM 2 comments