We lived through Gypsy. I actually really enjoyed the show, despite how the first day went. We all show up at 745 for a 8 am load in. As we are pulling up we thought it was weird that there was no truck in the dock or waiting in the parking lot. Hmm.... another 45 minutes go by and finally we call the Tech Director for the show. Their bus has broken down with all the crew on it and they got seperated from the trucks and have no idea where the trucks are. Hmm... shouldn't you have called us when you broke down..... at any rate, the trucks showed up about 30 minuted later and we dumped two of them and had crew break before their bus showed up. Finally we get everything together and our wardrobe head was STRANGE! She had that whiny valley girl accent that drives everyone insane.... and she was from texas... don't really get it but whatever. She actually got a lot more pleasant as the days went on. We had a few onstage changes hiding behind set peices waiting together and talked quite a bit. I dressed Louise or "Gypsy Rose Lee" both as a child and the adult character. Yes, the show is about a girl who becomes a stripper, and there are several other stripper characters but it was a lot of fun, I promise, and the stripper costumes besides gypsy's were hilarious!!! We had 7 kids total in the show and they were so cute and very delightful!!! You don't get that very much!!! After loading out Gypsy, about 20 of us bombarded IHOP at 1 am to fuel up. After eating we got right back to work hanging, gelling(color), and circuting a light plot from the very depths of H-E-L-L-O Operator and finally left the building at 630 am..... 3 of our guys had to be back at 9am and we were back a few hours later to focus the lights with the lighting designer from H-E-L-L-O... hmmm I am seeing a theme here.... until 10 pm and we were back this morning at 9. The paycheck is going to be awesome but I am tired, my patience with our designer has worn out, and yes I am going to say it.... I am very very crampy.... thats a recipe for a fun time if I have ever heard one. :) Watching ballerinas the size of my pinky doing endless crunches backstage doesn't make me any more happy either...lol!!! The ballet production is called Little Tricker the Squirrel meats the big bear (or something like that) and Red Pony..... we have a huge 25 foor bear puppet that cost close to 40,000 dollars, it gets stored without its head so the way its positioned makes it look like a big gorilla. I will try to get a few pictures later and post them. Anyway, I hope I didn't bore you all with my rantings!! Loves to everyone, we hope to emerge from our black hole in about a week in a half.... poor poor piper dog!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Fun times with the Circus...
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 6:24 PM 1 comments
I have been tagged
I could tell you four jobs I have held at my current job, but that wouldn't be so much fun....
1. Stagehand
2. Retail Sales Person
3. Resteraunt Manager
4. Everything... Hickory Farms
1. Across the Universe
2. Love Actually
3. Lord of the Dance... I am a total dork!
4. Last of the Dogmen
1. Twin Falls
2. East Boise Apt
3. West Boise Apt
4. Boise Bench Home
1. Work
2. Parents
3. Ancestry.com
4. My bank!
1. Anything Mexican
2. Pineapple
3. Strawberry
4. Bread
1. Home in my BED
2. Stanley
3. Stanley
4. Stanley
1. Houston
2. Warmer weather
3. Day off drives to no where
4. Going anywhere my cell phone does not workFOUR FRIENDS I WANT TO TAG:
Any four that haven't done it yet
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 3:31 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
What a difference a week makes
Another week has come and gone, this year seems to be flying by. One of our friends is getting divorced and going through a really hard time right now so we have spent a lot of time with him this week. He is such a good man, and a wonderful friend that it really does break my heart to see him hurt. He and his son are in our prayers. You are amazing Rick and we love you!!!! Monday starts about a 3 week period with no days off. We have the musical Gypsy loading in on Monday morning and loading out on Wednesday night. After we get them packed up we have to hang an entire show worth of lights for the ballet who loads in the next morning... we probably won't be going home that night. After Ballet leaves we immediately do lights for the Opera, then load them in the next morning. Thats another night we may not be seeing our beds. After we are finished with the Opera we have to take most of our lighting inventory to the Nampa Civic Center for Menopause the musical. Yeah, you read that right...lol I am just glad that I won't be working that show. We will be tired... but the Pay checks should be AWESOME!! Hopefully during some of my downtime on stage I will be able to update this.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 9:54 PM 1 comments
Some of my favorites
I am sitting at work during a philharmonic bored out of my mind so here are a few of my favorite pictures from some of the shows we have done this past year. Some of the pictures are from shows I have already posted about but there are many many shows that don't allow the house to take pictures... and these are all that would.
Tribute to the Man in Black. This was a great, great concert and this man was amazing.
The Great Neil Young
The Lady with the Big Hair, Big Guitar and Big Voice!! One of the many great pics of Wynonna.
These are my 2 favorite pictures from when Chris Botti was here.
These are of The Peter Pan Load in. It gives you a small look at what it takes to put together a show. The Same girl played both the crocodile and the dog, which had to be washed and brushed prior to each performance. What a great crew to work with!
This is Jeff Dunham with Achmeed the Suicide Bomber. One of his 4 puppets he performed with while here. He builds his own puppet heads in about 6 months. Achmeed came from a halloween decoration. :)
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
What a week...
What a crazy busy week its been. First off, I am writing as I work, listening to the beautifully gifted Rachael Price. What a great great jazz singer. We are doing another behind the curtain, I believe that I wrote about one in october of last year. Its so fun though. At any rate, the worst part of this week is me getting sick right before 4 days of 12 hour days, so needless to say I have been pretty miserable, Matt has been lucky enough to have kept from getting as sick as I. day was Valentines day, not really a very important day in my book but I got Matt something anyway, and he returned the favor. :) We went and enjoyed some wonderful Thai food at my favorite resterant, and went grocery shopping hahaha, how romantic right? We just enjoy spending time together outside of work or home.
, My mom has been staying with us this week with her dog Kimo, and he and Piper are in hog, (or dog) heaven. They have played and played and played!!!Its been fun watching them get worked up as a team when another dog walks by the house. I guess two dogs with Napolean Syndrome work better than one.
Last night we had insult comic Lisa Lampanelli. Needless to say we weren't impressed, it was very dirty and tasteless. I cant believe people paid money to listen to that crap. We did however have a little excitement security wise when we had some drunks try to break in the backstage door. Things like that never happen so it was fun!!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 8:40 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Finally a new post
I apologize, it feels like it has been ages since I have posted. Probably because Matt and I have been so stinkin busy! About a week and a half ago we had the national tour of Peter Pan through.only had them for a day but we wished we could have had them for a month! What a great great crew. The cast left a bit to be desired.... but they weren't horrible. Here is a picture of my favorite character, Tiger Lily... she was insanly talented. She was also the understudy for Peter, so here is what she looks like as Peter. The gal that actually played Peter was an interesting character, uncannily reminded us a bit of Fran Drescher from the Nanny. Watching them try and fly her was really humorous. she obviously has a harness on and there is a man just off stage that controls how high she flies and how fast. Another crew man controls her moving side to side. Well the guy who made her go up and down would climb to the top of a 12 foot ladder and literally jump off to get her up as high as she needed to be. Fun show though.
We also just opened a new show at Boise Contemporary Theatre called the Pillowman. Very interesting, very disturbing play. If you are into dark literature I recommend you read it, if not, stay away!! Very well acted, and really kept you in the story, left you thinking.
Another project we just finished was a set build for Opera Idahos next production, Elixer of Love. Through our blood sweat and nearly tears (no joking) we finished it in four days. Whew! Here is a picture of what it looks like assembled on stage, albeit naked.
As a great end to a slightly miserable week, we have the comedian, Jeff Dunham on Thursday. What a great, talented comedian. Not neccesarily the cleanest of comedians but enjoyable none the less. He is a ventrilaquist (SP) and makes all his own puppets by hand. It takes him about 6 months to finish a head and for those who are familiar with his work, his character Achmed was made out of a Halloween decoration!! Very talented individual. Sorry for the lack of pictures of us and our family. We have been so busy that we haven't gotten around to taking any. I do have a very cute picture of Piper on our picnic table in the back yard amongst the snow. We had SOOO much snow fall on us the past few weeks its insane. We haven't had this much snow in the valley in about 15 years!!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Tagged Again...
A) Four jobs I've had in my life
1. Stagehand (both)
2. Restrant Manager (monae)
3. Lifegaurd (matt)
4. Sales Associate (monae)
B) Four movies I could watch over and over
1. Chronicles of Narnia (matt)
2. Count of Monte Cristo (Monae)
3. National Treasure (Matt)
4. The Last Legion (Monae)
C) Four places I have lived
1. Denver CO (Matt)
2. Twin Falls ID (Monae)
3. Casper WY (Matt)
4. Boise ID (Both)
D) Four shows that I watch
1. CSI Las Vegas (Both)
2. Still Standing (Matt)
3. Project Runway (Monae)
4. George Lopez (Both)
E) Four places I have been
1. Chicago IL (Monae)
2. San Diego CA (Monae)
3. Cabo Mexico(Matt)
4. Hawaii (Matt)
F) People who email me regularly
1. Work... :(
2. Adam and Sally
3. Bill and Karen (Mom and Dad)
4. Netflix... hahaha
G) Four of my favorite foods
1. Real Mexican(Monae)
2. Gnocchi and Chicken (Monae)
3. Italian anything (Matt)
4. Chocolate (Both)
H) Four places I would rather be right now
1. Stanley (Monae)
2. Salt Lake (Monae)
3. Stanley (Matt)
4. Some place tropical (Matt)
I) Four folks I think will respond
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
J) Things I am looking forward to in the next 12 months
1. Anniversary (both)
2. Possible Job Opportunity (both)
3. Warmer Weather!!! (Both)
4. Camping and fishing (Both)
K) Four goals for the New year
1. Get back yard in shape (Monae)
2. Read scriptures more regularly (Both)
3. Grow a successful garden this year (Monae)
4. Do more cooking at home (Matt)
L) Four gifts I got for Christmas
1. Serger (Monae)
2. GPS (Matt)
3. New dishes (Both)
4. magazine subscription (Monae)
M) Four places I want to visit
1. NYC (Both)
2. Alaska (Both)
3. United Kingdom (Both)
4. Australia (Both)
N) Four things you didn't know about me
1. I haven't known my real hair color since about 8th grade (Monae)
2. I was a clogger for years and years and I still dream of performing for the rest of my life (Monae)
3. I am a certified Scuba Diver (Matt)
4. I have swam with dolphins(Matt)
O) Four things I wish I was better at
1. Nintendo (Matt)
2. Controlling my temper when confronted with stupidity (Matt)
3. wanting to clean (Monae)
4. saying "NO" (Monae)
P) Four things I can cook without a recipe
1. Chicken Tacos (Monae)
2. Enchiladas(Monae)
3. Fajitas (Matt)
4. Chocolate Chip Cookies (Matt)
Q) Four musicians I really love
1. Ella Fitzgerald (Monae)
2. Doug Kessinger... :) (Monae)
3. Garth Brooks (Matt)
4. Chris Ledeaux (Matt)
R) Four of the best books I've ever read
1. Most of Anita Stansfields books(Monae)
2. Timeline (Monae)
3. Harry Potter Series (Both)
4. Anything by Terry Brooks (Matt)
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 9:46 PM 0 comments