I am well overdue for a blog update. I was reading and enjoying everyone elses blogs that I have neglected my own. In following the advice of my good friend Jodie, Matt and I sat down and thought of a few things that we are greatful for. I am a very long winded writer so I will apologize ahead of time.
We are greatful for:-Each other, we are most definatly each others best friends
-Our Family, before I met Matt I took for granted that I have a large, close, incredibly loving family. His family is very small and spread across the counrty. It taught me to appreciate the fact that I have so many people so close to me that I can lean on and that we get to be a part of each others lives so often. It also has taught us to appreciate the time we have to spend with our family that lives elsewhere. We don't get to see our neice and nephews as often as we would like, but we love them SOO much!!!! The picture is of my BIL Adam and my niece Kate and Nephews Mark and Robb.
-The Gospel and the assurance we have that we will be a family forever.
-Our friends- We have amazing friends who have loved and supported us through it all. We love you guys!!!
-Our home, we were blessed very early on to be able to own our own home... while it has been a lot of work, we have made it ours in everyway! I hope the day never comes that we have to sell it because I will be sooo sad!!!
-Our careers, We are very blessed to be able to work together. We love our jobs... I know for me my job has taught me to be more openminded, and less judgemental. I work with a lot of people with alternative lifestyles and while I don't neccesarily approve of their decisions, I love each and everyone of them. I had to remind myself that everybody has their own free agancy... and it is not my place to decide whether these people are bad or not. Love everyone for who they are and the world would be a much better place. Also, we get to see the benefit of music and the arts in peoples lives everyday. The arts is something I strongly believe in and to be able to be apart of making it a bigger part of society makes me fell very lucky.-Nature, I have said before that I love being in nature... and I will never stop saying it. There is so much beauty on this earth that Heavenly Father meant for us to enjoy and I am very greatful that I was raised to appreciate and enjoy all of it.
So this last week has been kind of hectic... We had Chris Botti ( a VERY cute jazz trumpetist ) and his band perform. They were amazing. While I don't remember his name, the bass player was the actual bassist from the Saturday Night Live band and because of the writers guild strike he was able to take the time and tour with the rest of the band. They also had a guest singer named Sy Smith who was amazing. If you get a chance look her up.
During the past couple days we have had time to actually prepare for thanksgiving. We made some pies the other night and took a few to some friends and also made some pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting. Mmmm.... piper loves sweets so we let her lick the beater a bit which turned out to be a very bad idea because the next day she got on top of the table and removed the foil from the cake and proceeded to lick the frosting off of the cake...... bad girl.... even though it was probably our fault.
The Christmas bug has bit us early this year. We volunteer at the Festival of Trees every year and this past week we went over and set up the stage and set for Santa. While we were there everyone was setting up there displays so we went home and set up our tree and a few fun decorations. We won't finish until after thanksgiving I am enjoying the little we have up already!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 6:14 PM
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I'm so happy you did this! Isn't it wonderful to have so much to be grateful for? Oh and I'm totally jealous about Chris Botti. He's such a stud!
Have a HAPPY Thanksgiving!
No I'm not pregnant, but we may start to try again here in a little bit. Boys are fun. They are a lot different then girls. They keep you on your toys. Have a great Thanksgiving and tell your mom hi for me.
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