First of all, I want to thank everyone who lent their support to us during our hard time. This week is going to be the hard one now that everything is all said and done and we return to our regular schedules. I promised to post some pictures from our trip to Houston. It may take a few posts because it is one heck of a story but who knows.
Sunrise somewhere between Boise and Denver
We left for the airport at 5 am on Tuesday and boarded our flight to Denver where we would then connect to our flight to Houston at 8 30. Everything went very smoothly, we even made it to our gate in Denver on time. We had 15 minutes until our flight boarded so we all took potty breaks etc... only to come back to the gate and hear over the intercom that due to weather our flight has been cancelled, not rescheduled but cancelled. Poop. So we Got on another flight to Houston later only to find out that ALL flights to Houston had been cancelled. We then decided to try and fly into Dallas or Austin and drive, so we get on a flight to Dallas and it is set to depart at 11:30, we wait at the gate and because of weather it gets delayed 3 times before it finally gets cancelled at 1 30. They made the announcement that all passengers needing assistance needs to go to the nearest customer service station on your right. We go, and there is NO service center to the right of us and all the United desk attendants have literally disappeared. It was creepy. We finally find one that is open and stood in line for almost 3 hours. While we were in line Matt called his brother who lives in Houston and had we left on either of our first 2 flights we would have landed in Houston in beautiful weather....
Matt catching some ZZZ's in the Denver Airport preparing for the drive to Houston
To make a long story short, we FINALLY got on a flight to New Orleans at 8pm... we were in the Denver airport for 12 hours. We finally got to New Orleans at midnight and they lost our luggage....and the rental car place was closed and just happened to catch the shuttle driver as he was getting ready to go home... grr.. oh and New Orleans smells really bad, I almost puked. So we finally got our car and get on the road driving through all the deltas and coast line in the dark so we couldn't see anything!!!!
This was all the "sightseeing" we did in New Orleans... Lame We got to Houston at 530 in the morning and returned the rental car and got a taxi to our hotel and our luggage hasn't made it yet. We call to find out where it is and it had gotten on a flight to Dallas and should make it to us by 9 in the morning. 10 am rolls by and we call again.... it got sent back to DENVER.... so frustrating... On top of all of that our toilet clogged anytime someone used toilet paper and two of our 4 people had no clean clothes. Icky... I was smart and packed an extra change of clothes and pajamas in my carry on, thank goodness!!!! We finally got our luggage at 330 the next morning. It was awful!!!!! Don;t fly United unless you absolutely have to!!!! After all of that our trip got a lot better. We enjoyed our Conference very much... seeing my brother in law Andrew was so much fun and it was interesting to roam around down town and the zoo in our free time. We got home safely and so did our bags but getting there makes for a great story!!!
Virginia Meets Idaho
Fun at the Zoo
With Andrew on our last night in Houston
Andy at the park by the Hotel and Toyota Center
The Morrison Center Group at the awesome Timpanos for dinner.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Doing Some Catching Up
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 3:50 PM
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wow, sounds like your trip got off to a really rough start, that stinks.
Glad you ended up having fun anyways.
I honestly have no idea if we're related to Sarah Sturtevant Leavitt. I'd assume so since it's not that common of a last name. lol, pretty neat. Amazing things that genology uncovers.
hey! so my luggage got lost too but on US Airways... so dont fly them either.... the sad part is they never found mine and im still fighting them to pay me...grr :) i miss you! we need to have lunch ~Toni
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