This is my new niece or nephew! My sister Chante is pregnant and due October 26th. Her and Jeremy are living in Maui, soon to be moving to Hilo on the big island as soon as one of my other sisters, Shiara joins them on monday. We are very excited for her and Jeremy and hope to come see them sometime next year.
Good luck in your new adventure Shiara! We love you and support you in your decision to move so far away from us. Enjoy your new found independence and we wish you the best, take good care of Chante for us. You will be missed more than you know!
Friday, April 25, 2008
I am going to be an Aunt!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 5:16 PM 0 comments
A few pictures from this week
My husband is pregnant.......
With puppy........ :)
Wednesday night we went to see BCTs production of Last of the Breed about a man who calls himself in as an endangered species to save himself and his land up in the mountains of Idaho from developers. Very funny and very well done.
Our bulbs are finally deciding it might be warm enough for them to bloom, they have been debating for quite some time now and finally just started showing their pretty faces. Here is a few of my daffodils and tulips.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Brag Book
Matt and I got these pictures in the mail the other day so we thought we would share. These are pictures of my niece Kate and my nephews Mark and Robb. They are Adam and Sallys adorable children. We don't get to see them very often because they live in Colorado Springs CO, but I will get to see them in September when we meet up with them in Seattle. Love you guys!!!
This is Mark, he is a SUPER soccerplayer, goalie to be exact.
This is the amazinglt talented little gymnast Kate.
And last but not least the tough little guy Robb. He has overcome so much!!
We love these three... and their parents of course... so much. Can't wait to see you guys!!!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Emotionally Drained
Just a fun picture on matt and I.
Since this is more or less my journal, you get to read a lot of the things that are very close to me heart, and right now it hurts a little. Its still healing over the various happenings in our family as well as my losing my father figure. I need to write down a dream I had this morning right before I woke up. I dreampt we were all over at our house and had just finished having dinner and everyone was leaving. As I was saying goodbye my granddad came and gave me a hug and and as he was hugging and talking to me I became aware how strange it was because he was gone. I obviously started crying in this dream and not wanting to let go... I made him hold my face in his hands before he finally was gone. It was so vivid that I felt it could have almost been real and the only reason I know it was a dream was because the things we were talking about were completely random and made NO sense what so ever. At any rate, I keep visualizing my precious dream... and thinking that in a sense I am very lucky, kind of like I got to get one last hug, even though I didn't... does that make any sense?? But it does make me sad at the same time because I have to wait so long to see him again and actually be in his arms, and hear his voice, so today has been rough. I have said this before and I will continue to say it, I don't know how people who aren't blessed the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and life before and after death even begin to go through something like the loss of a loved one. I am still in the process of scanning all of the old family photos so we have digital copies and going through them has been fun, reading letters exchanged between my grandmother and grandad, but also very emotionally draining.
Drama has reared its ugly head at work and with all that has been going on in my personal life it is just about the last thing I want to deal with. Part of the problem is most of us at work are together so often and are such good friends outside of work that when we are tired we tend to get angry with each other more easily. Also, we have a few people working that are just so young and haven't been in the business let alone in the work force very long that they just don't get it. The "issues" they have had are just so juvenile that if they don't learn to get over it, they are going to have some serious issues at any job they take. Its just so frustrating and irritating. I have learned from my work experience that the only person you can change is yourself and that you are never going to agree with every single decision your superiors make. Life is too short to take all of this to seriously. If you let the small things weigh you down then you are going to bear such a burden through your life, its just not worth it.
On to a lighter topic, we had the broadway tour of ANNIE and it was actually really quite pleasant. Its always hit or miss as to how a show with kids and animals and even worse, stage parents, is going to be. The kids were pretty well behaved , the cast was a very talented group who were not only great actors but very nice people. Good experience all around.
The weather here has NO freakin idea what it wants to do,two weeks ago it snowed... a week and a half ago we had a gorgeous weekend of 70-80 degree weather... this week it as tried its darndest to snow!!! We had a few flurries here and there and the 40 degree weather that came with it.... so frustrating when we want to start our garden and plant new plants, worrying whether it is going to freeze all my plants!!! :(
This weekend brings the ballet again that I am helping costume. It will be the last Ballet Idaho and Eugene Ballet performance and we will miss some of the great people who will not be returning next year. On the other hand.... so long LLOYD!!!!!! (I am awful, I know)
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 3:15 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Happy anniversary Dan, Jana and Kandyce!!
Our good friends Dan Allers and Jana Kemp got married last year on April 1st (No kidding) and shortly after that they got full custody of Dans daughter Kandyce. This year we had a big party marking their first anniversary as a family. The day after we had our behind the curtain concert we had their party so we left all the lights and tables out and had it onstage. It was lots of fun to see mutual friends gather together to celebrate these awesome people. We are so incredibly blessed to have them as friends!
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Some new things
Life hasn't quite returned to normal but we have had a lot going on. I feel like we haven't stopped running since well before we went to Houston. We had a few fun shows, the first being Cirque Dreams. If was a fun show, not much in the way of sets. it was all costumes and lighting, lots of fun stuff. The big jungle like vertical peices onstage were actually blow up. It was hilarious! It makes for a really easy load out!! Here are a few pics from that show.
We also had another behind the curtain, this time with Leroy Bell. Very smooth voice. Kind of an african american John Mayer but a bit more gravel in his voice. Really a very nice performer.
This past thursday we had the band 3 Doors Down. It was quite the adventure seeing as how we don't normally have concerts of that genre in a performing arts theatre. Many of them had never stepped foot in an actual theatre. They are all used to arenas (the pavillion) or places like the Big Easy here in Boise. All went well in the end. It was a good concert with 12 Stones and Red opening. We were sure tired afterwards!!! When we have pictures I will post them.
Today we are doing the Philharmonic marking Jim Ogles' (sp) very last concert with them. He has been their conductor for many years now but suffered a stroke a few years back and has decided to slow down and pursue other things. The past year and a half they have been on a giant man hunt for a new conductor. Every month they featured a new applicant and the audiance as well as the musicians voted on who they liked best. The winner is being announced tomorrow in the paper even though I found out tonight... shhhhh!!!!!
As for the new week ahead, we have Annie loading in..... I won't share my opinion on that matter until AFTER they have been here. :)
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 6:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Something different
1. Last book you read or are currently reading? The Memory Keepers Daughter
2. Last person you talked to on the phone? My "sister' Megan
3. Last movie you watched at the theatre? Leatherheads and Nims Island
4. Last restaurant you ate at? Texas Roadhouse
5. Last thing you bought for yourself? Propel
6. Last vacation or trip you took? Real Vacation was to Stanley but we went to Houston on a work related Vacation
7. Last thing you ate? Pizza, sad, I know
8. Last time you cut your hair? about a month ago
9. Last time you worked out? a while ago but I climb stairs every day at work
10. Last time you did laundry? yesterday
11. Last time you were on an airplane? 2 weeks ago, see blog below
12. Last person you said "I love you" to? Matt
13. Last show you watched on TV? Oceans 12
14. Last song you listened to or sang? Something on the radio probably
15. Last job you had or currently have? theatrical technician at Morrison Center
16. Last place you lived (not currently living)? Twin Falls
17. Last obsession? I don't think I really have an obssession.
18. Last "project" you worked on? My granddads memory dvd
19. Last name? Curtis
20. Last concert you went to?that I went too... Trans siberian orchestra, that I worked, Leroy bell last night
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Doing Some Catching Up
First of all, I want to thank everyone who lent their support to us during our hard time. This week is going to be the hard one now that everything is all said and done and we return to our regular schedules. I promised to post some pictures from our trip to Houston. It may take a few posts because it is one heck of a story but who knows.
Sunrise somewhere between Boise and Denver
We left for the airport at 5 am on Tuesday and boarded our flight to Denver where we would then connect to our flight to Houston at 8 30. Everything went very smoothly, we even made it to our gate in Denver on time. We had 15 minutes until our flight boarded so we all took potty breaks etc... only to come back to the gate and hear over the intercom that due to weather our flight has been cancelled, not rescheduled but cancelled. Poop. So we Got on another flight to Houston later only to find out that ALL flights to Houston had been cancelled. We then decided to try and fly into Dallas or Austin and drive, so we get on a flight to Dallas and it is set to depart at 11:30, we wait at the gate and because of weather it gets delayed 3 times before it finally gets cancelled at 1 30. They made the announcement that all passengers needing assistance needs to go to the nearest customer service station on your right. We go, and there is NO service center to the right of us and all the United desk attendants have literally disappeared. It was creepy. We finally find one that is open and stood in line for almost 3 hours. While we were in line Matt called his brother who lives in Houston and had we left on either of our first 2 flights we would have landed in Houston in beautiful weather....
Matt catching some ZZZ's in the Denver Airport preparing for the drive to Houston
To make a long story short, we FINALLY got on a flight to New Orleans at 8pm... we were in the Denver airport for 12 hours. We finally got to New Orleans at midnight and they lost our luggage....and the rental car place was closed and just happened to catch the shuttle driver as he was getting ready to go home... grr.. oh and New Orleans smells really bad, I almost puked. So we finally got our car and get on the road driving through all the deltas and coast line in the dark so we couldn't see anything!!!!
This was all the "sightseeing" we did in New Orleans... Lame We got to Houston at 530 in the morning and returned the rental car and got a taxi to our hotel and our luggage hasn't made it yet. We call to find out where it is and it had gotten on a flight to Dallas and should make it to us by 9 in the morning. 10 am rolls by and we call again.... it got sent back to DENVER.... so frustrating... On top of all of that our toilet clogged anytime someone used toilet paper and two of our 4 people had no clean clothes. Icky... I was smart and packed an extra change of clothes and pajamas in my carry on, thank goodness!!!! We finally got our luggage at 330 the next morning. It was awful!!!!! Don;t fly United unless you absolutely have to!!!! After all of that our trip got a lot better. We enjoyed our Conference very much... seeing my brother in law Andrew was so much fun and it was interesting to roam around down town and the zoo in our free time. We got home safely and so did our bags but getting there makes for a great story!!!
Virginia Meets Idaho
Fun at the Zoo
With Andrew on our last night in Houston
Andy at the park by the Hotel and Toyota Center
The Morrison Center Group at the awesome Timpanos for dinner.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 3:50 PM 2 comments