Yesterday while Boise was under constant rain showers we planted the beginnings of our
We planted 3 different types of tomatoes and peppers, cucumbers, corn, eggplant, pumpkin and strawberries. Its a good start I think. I wish I had a greenhouse... does anyone have one of those little portable ones??
We planted 3 different types of tomatoes and peppers, cucumbers, corn, eggplant, pumpkin and strawberries. Its a good start I think. I wish I had a greenhouse... does anyone have one of those little portable ones??

We took the pups with us to Zamzows and bought new seeds and yummy nutrient rich soil for our little seeds to sprout and grow in. While we were there we bought grass seed and fertilizer and food. Lets take this moment to bow our heads in prayer for the Curtis back yard. We have had SUCH a hard time getting grass to grow. Renters were here for years and years before we bought the place and the back yard was full of every weed known to man. Not just little weeds either. I'm talking FOREST like conditions. We have gotten rid of most of them, but its still a battle to get grass to grow without being overcome by weeds. It has been a never ending battle for 4 years... AACCCKKK!!! Any advice would be welcomed graciously.
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