Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Husband Tag

My friend Becca tagged me so I figured I would do it. I may have already done it but I can't remember, so here you go...

1) Where did you meet your husband?
At the Shakespeare Festival. A mutual friend of ours worked for him.

2) How long did you date before getting married?
We started dating in May, got engaged in November and got married in March.... and June :)

3) How long have you been married?
2 years, 9moths, 4 weeks and 1 day... thanks to my handy dandy ticker

4) What does he do that suprises you?
How much he loves me, how often he gets up in the middle of the night to let the dogs out even when he has to be up early and he puts up with a lot... mostly at work. He never ceases to amaze me.

5) What is your favorite feature of his?
Which one isn't.... hmmm.... He has a cute butt!!! Hey, I am only being honest :)

6) What is his best quality?
He loves to cook, he is such a hard worker, he doesn't settle for less than he should, and le lets me be me. He is without a doubt my very best friend... and he lets me stick my cold toes by his warm ones

7) Does he have a nickname for you?
We call each other "My Smile".... other than the usual, honey etc.... I can't think of a specific nickname

8) What is his favorite food?
This is kind of a hard one. He loves a bit of everything. Indian, Thai, Italian, Mexican... I guess I would say his favorite is anything that is homemade... with lots of love.

9) What is his favorite sport?
Probably football, even then he really doesn't get into it.

10) When did you first kiss?
On our first real date... by my car, in front of O.C. by the mall... we used to have all these dates in the calendar until we had to wipe the hard drive clean.... sad...

11) What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
We love to travel, camp, eat at new exotic places, watch movies, play games.

12) Do you have any children?
If you count animals, we have 2 together and he has 3 from a previous relationship, LOL :)

13) Does he have any hidden talents?
I think he is a better baker than I am. :) And he is a home improvement genious, and is really, really good with kids

14) How old is he?

15) What is his favorite music?
Thats kind of hard.... he likes a bit of a lot of different genres... if I had to narrow it down I would sat country and older rock are pretty high on the list.

16) What do you admire about him?
His drive, his hard work, his unconditional love for my family

17) What is his favorite color?
Green and Blue

18) Will he read this?

19) Who said "I love you" first?
He did, in a letter. I still have that letter somewhere

20) Who do you tag?
Brenda Davis, Emily Judd, Jana Russell, Christine Taylor and anyone else that has the time to do it.


Becca said...

You two are sooooo adorable. You make such a great couple and will be great parents one day.

The Lindquists said...

We have church at 9:00. Mikah has a home teaching appt. at 1:00 and I have visiting teaching at 1:30. What are you going to be down here for? Let me know about when we can expect you!

Jason, as himself said...

I like that you guys call each other "My Smile".

Thanks for reading and commenting on The Jason Show!

See you around!