I decided quite a bit a go to take a small blogging break. I need to clear my head a bit and get reinspired. Love you all!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Taking a bit of a break...
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 12:57 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Moment #1
I deem this the #1 moment for many reasons, or lessons learned
-This was the first Christmas season without a few members of our family... and it was a hard one.
-We became a stronger family unit.
-We also realized how much we love and appreciate and sometimes even take for granted those who are so close.
-Money doesn't buy happiness... you can't put a dollar figure on it.
-True friends are just as good as family sometimes, and this year our family grew seven fold.
(I am not including any pictures with this because they are probably just further down the page a bit.)
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 10:58 PM 1 comments
Moment #2
The 3 Day Walk For the Cure
Its such an awesome experience. I mean, there are literally thousands of people here walking, along with thousands of supporters. The level of devotion and commitment literally blows me away. You get a little teary standing among the supporters cheering on someone you will probably never meet... yet you are all unified by a single common bond, hope for a cure! We will definetly be here next year.
Ever heard of a sausage fest? Well this is the complete opposite... its a total boob fest. There are bras everywhere.... and LOTS of pink!!!
Decorating the bushes at the first cheer station of the day.
The crazy ladies down the way. I think they had a bit too much caffiene, they were seriously weirding me out a bit.
Real men wear pink.... with rhinestones
The Boob Mobile
One of the many bra themed tents
Adams Tail (insert cat call here)
Team Freshly Squeezed and the reason they are walking.
The Double D ranch.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Husband Tag
We started dating in May, got engaged in November and got married in March.... and June :)
5) What is your favorite feature of his?
He loves to cook, he is such a hard worker, he doesn't settle for less than he should, and le lets me be me. He is without a doubt my very best friend... and he lets me stick my cold toes by his warm ones
This is kind of a hard one. He loves a bit of everything. Indian, Thai, Italian, Mexican... I guess I would say his favorite is anything that is homemade... with lots of love.
Probably football, even then he really doesn't get into it.
On our first real date... by my car, in front of O.C. by the mall... we used to have all these dates in the calendar until we had to wipe the hard drive clean.... sad...
We love to travel, camp, eat at new exotic places, watch movies, play games.
14) How old is he?
Green and Blue
He did, in a letter. I still have that letter somewhere
Brenda Davis, Emily Judd, Jana Russell, Christine Taylor and anyone else that has the time to do it.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 11:31 PM 3 comments
Moment #3
Matt and I like to think we make a

What my counter and sink look like. They are going to look awesome when they are done!

Really horrible picture of me but proof that I did the tiling all by myself!!

Kind of shows my tiling job in the shower area.

This is a decent pic of the tiling on the tub and floor.

Aside from a few very miniscule details, our bathroom is done. Here are a few pictures.
The sinks.
The shower and tub.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the color of the counter top. The picture doesn't do it justice. The little cubby is PERFECT for the laundry hamper.
I really like the color of my rugs a lot. We went and bought a few new towels too. You can't tell but we put the shower curtain on lightweight curtain track so we could pull in all the way over against the wall keeping the bathroom open. Love it! Makes the small room feel so much bigger.
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Moment #4
I am sure if we could live in a tent all summer
This year we caught a ton more fish, and forged many new friendships,
while strengthening those we already had.
I am counting down the days until we can go again!!!

This is how we spent a good deal of our time. We perfected lake fishing and basically lived on the docks at Alturus Lake for 3 days before we attacked the Salmon River. In total, we caught 34 fish and ate about 28 of them.

Mmm.... One of the recipes we tried for Dutch oven trout.

Then our camp got raided and somebody stole our Pirate flag..... there were so many people in our party not one of us heard anything unusual. If we heard anything we probably thought it was one of us getting up to go to the bathroom. Why just the pirate flag.

Our fearless leader chopping wood. I bet you don't know how many inebriated stage hands it takes to get this stump chopped. Answer? Two, and about ten others surrounding them laughing and taking pictures at their expense. HAHAHA

Matt, Jenn and I at the top of Galena Summit.

Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Moment #5
Posted by Matt and Monae Curtis at 11:15 AM 0 comments