Little Miss Ella Rae is getting

She is SUCH a good dog. We show her a lot of love, so she is a very loving dog.
She has grown so fast she still doesn't know her own strength yet.
She fetches like a pro... we just started working on the frisbee.
that might take some time though. She is always happy and that tail is
wagging. Even when she is in trouble. It makes discipline really hard sometimes.

She is getting very protective of us in the sense that if someone is walking to close to the house for her liking... she lets them know. Piper is a good watch dog, but squirrels and neighbor cats didn't always catch her attention. Nothing gets by Ella. Even if shes in the middle of going after a ball, if a squirrel lands in the yard, Ella knows about it and is off like a bolt. She could be outside all day everyday if we let her. Ella and her brother Chaz get together every week or two and literally BEAT the CRAP out of each other for hours. Its quite the site to see. He isn't outside as much so its funny to watch her look at him like hes crazy when he whines at the back door or window. Ella just cant understand why he wants to be inside! She isn't a huge digger. She has a few spots in the flower bed that she messes with but has been relatively good. She brings everything to the doorstep when she is out by herself. We have found sticks of all shapes and sizes, bark, toys, ground cloth she has dug up ( only from the flower bed we are digging up anyway, which is why we let her do it.) I am anxiously awaiting the day she brings a dead squirrel.
Along with motion sickness, she also has gas. She sits with me on the carpet in the office while I am checking emails and what not. She had been sleeping and created some pretty heinous smells. I looked down and found her like this. I thought it was pretty funny!!